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Increase the beauty of your aquarium landscape with these unique style stones and rocks to look like miniature rock formations.

Customize your rock display structure with safe, all-natural materials available in an assortment of sizes and shapes to enhance your aquascaping setup.

The Kit contains a mix of Small, Medium and Large Rocks of various quantity to meet you specific design.

Small = 3" to 6"

Medium = 6" to 9"

Large = 9" to 15"

X Large = 14" to 18"

XX Large = 18" to 26"

Other Sizes also Available:

15 Lbs Kit of Small and Medium Mix size box

25 Lbs Kit of Small, Medium and Large Mix size box

Small 3" to 6" of 44 Lbs. Box

6" to 9" of 44 Lbs. Box

9" to 15" of 44 Lbs. Box

Dragon Ohko Rock - 1550 Lbs box of X-LARGE (14' to 18") size Rocks CAGE

Dragon Ohko Rock - 1750 Lbs box of XX-LARGE (16" to 26") size Rocks CAGE

With the large verity of Aquarium hardscape rocks, stones and wood you can design the ultimate underwater landscape in your aquarium.

Choose from our large selection of aquascaping stones and wood!

Such as: Dragon Rock, Seiryu, Pagoda Stone, Petrified Redwood, Perrified Burma Stone.

Verity of sizes for Driftwood, Spiderwood and the new Spiderwood Tree Stump available only from Lifegard.

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    Pagoda Crema Textured Stone 24 Lbs Mix Size Case of Small, Medium and Large


    Pagoda Crema Textured Stone - 44 Lbs box of SMALL size stones


    Pagoda Crema Textured Stone - 44 Lbs box of MEDIUM size stones


    Pagoda Crema Textured Stone - 44 Lbs box of LARGE size stones


    Canyon Petrified Stone 15 Lbs of Small and Medium Size Mix Case


    Canyon Petrified Stone 25 Gallon Kit-Approximately 1-Large/2-Medium/6-Small Rocks


    Brookstone Hardscape Rock 10 Gallon Aquarium Mix Size Kit 15 Lbs.


    Brookstone Hardscape Rock 25 Gallon Aquarium Mix Size Kit 25 Lbs.


    Brookstone Hardscape 44 Lbs. Box Small Size Stones 3" to 5"


    Brookstone Hardscape 44 Lbs. Box Medium Size Stones 5" to 7"


    Brookstone Hardscape Rock 44 Lbs. box Large Size 7" to 11"


    Burma Petrified Stone 10 Gallon Kit-Approximately 2-Medium/5-Small Rocks


    Burma Petrified Stone 25 Gallon Kit-Approximately 1-Large/2-Medium/6-Small Rocks


    Redwood Petrified Stone 10 Gallon Kit-Approximately 3-Medium/6-Small Rocks


    Redwood Petrified Stone 25 Gallon Kit-Approximately 1-Large/3-Medium/10-Small Rocks


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